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Panama Hat Care instructions

To best store hat keep in humid environment so the straw doesn’t dry.
Dry straw tends to crack. If you need to moisturize you hat, you can use a steamer.

Do not store hat next to a windows with direct sun.
To iron your hat you can use the steamer and re shape with your hands.
You can also iron the brim using a wt cloth between the hat and the iron,
To hold best your hat do it do from the brim instead of the crown.
    Panama hats are meant to last a lifetime. However, giving a good use the hat also will make it gain personality. Wear if fearlessly and let the hat shape according to your use, it will reflect you personal style.

    To clean your hat you can brush it softly or sponge lightly with a damp cloth.

    Try not to wet your straw hat as it will loose shape and perhaps shrink. If your hat completely wets under the rain of submerged in water you can re size it with a hat-sizer you may find on internet.

    Wearing hats is for brave people.

    So congratulations, we celebrate your courage and we are sure your Greenpacha will make a great companion of your adventures. Enjoy the Sun!
